
3D-Render von 2 türkisen DNA Strängen3D-Render von 2 türkisen DNA Strängen
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The biology of aging is still largely a mystery. Researchers are working hard to unravel the molecular and cellular causes of aging and to find ways to prevent age-related diseases. These discoveries, and the science that may help people stay healthy as they age, are reported here.



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Reprogrammed B-cells to produce tailored antibodies against cancer and chronic diseases

Reprogrammed B-cells to produce tailored antibodies against cancer and chronic diseases

Researchers at the University of Southern California (USC) have developed a new technique to reprogram B-cells and turn them into monitoring machines and antibody factories that can fight cancer, HIV, and Alzheimer's.


Rogers, G. L., Huang, C., Mathur, A. et al. Reprogramming human B cells with custom heavy-chain antibodies. Nat. Biomed. Eng (2024).


Inhibition of IL-11 signalling extends mammalian healthspan and lifespan

Inhibition of IL-11 signalling extends mammalian healthspan and lifespan

Scientists have found that turning off a protein called IL-11 can extend the healthy lifespan of mice by almost 25%. The researchers found that removing the IL-11 gene or using an anti-IL-11 antibody drastically increased the lifespan and health of aging mice. These findings suggest that anti-IL-11 treatments could combat age-related diseases with minimal side effects, providing a promising avenue for future human trials.


Widjaja, A. A., Lim, WW., Viswanathan, S. et al. Inhibition of IL-11 signalling extends mammalian healthspan and lifespan. Nature (2024).


Innate immune memory after brain injury drives inflammatory cardiac dysfunction

Innate immune memory after brain injury drives inflammatory cardiac dysfunction

Heart disease due to stroke? A new LMU study shows why this is happening — and how this can be counteracted in the future.




Single drop of blood provides information about the general state of health

Single drop of blood provides information about the general state of health

German researchers have developed a breakthrough method that uses infrared spectroscopy and machine learning to identify multiple health conditions from a single drop of blood plasma. With this technique, known as molecular infrared fingerprinting, diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure can be precisely identified and the metabolic syndrome can be predicted up to 6.5 years in advance. The study published in Cell Reports Medicine shows the potential for more accessible and comprehensive healthcare, even if further validation is required for different populations.




Probiotics show promise for promoting cognitive health

Probiotics show promise for promoting cognitive health

A recent clinical trial has shown that probiotics can have positive cognitive effects, potentially opening up a new way to improve brain health. This finding underscores the importance of gut health in maintaining cognitive function and preventing cognitive decline.


Ruiz-Gonzalez, C., Cardona, D., Rueda-Ruzafa, L. et al. Cognitive and Emotional Effect of a Multi-species Probiotic Containing Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Bifidobacterium lactis in Healthy Older Adults: A Double‐Blind Randomized Placebo‐Controlled Crossover Trial. Probiotics & Antimicro Prot. (2024).

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Telomeres shorten over the course of a lifetime. The normal aging process is thought to be affected by telomere shortening and thus associated with the onset of disease and increased mortality in old age.


Telomeres are protective caps at the ends of chromosomes that shorten each time a cell divides. When they become so short that the genes they protect could be damaged, cells stop dividing and renewing themselves. As a result, the cells are no longer able to perform their functions. This is thought to be one of the mechanisms of aging.


Telomeres are protective caps at the ends of chromosomes that shorten each time a cell divides. When they become so short that the genes they protect could be damaged, cells stop dividing and renewing themselves. As a result, the cells become less able to perform their functions. This is thought to be one of the mechanisms of aging.

Through prevention and proactive measures. Eating habits: high consumption of meat (especially red meat), a generally fatty diet and obesity cause the chromosome caps to wear down, as does excessive alcohol consumption. Consumption of vegetable products protects the cells.
Physical activity: Interval and endurance training can lengthen telomeres



What are telomeres?

Are these tiny segments of DNA the key to aging?

3D-Render von einem Telomer
George Church, amerikanischer Genetiker

The goal of a genome analysis is not to find out what you will die of, but rather to learn how to prevent diseases from occurring.

George Church

American geneticist, molecular engineer, chemist, and "founder of genomics"

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The Guide To Longevity


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The Guide To Longevity

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