

Mar 21, 2024

Activating longevity: The Role of Telomeres and Their Targeted Intervention

This review examines the crucial role of telomere biology in the aging process, in which telomere degradation acts both as a protective mechanism and as a contributor to tissue degeneration and age-related diseases. Given increasing life expectancy and the associated burden on health systems, strategies to promote healthy aging and curb age-related diseases are crucial. The study outlines recent research efforts aimed at influencing telomere shortening, including research on telomerase activators, tankyrase inhibitors, and the effects of antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, and statins, and highlights their potential to promote wellbeing, healthy aging, and longevity.


Schellnegger, M., Hofmann, E., Carnieletto, M. & Kamolz, L. (2024). Unlocking longevity: the role of telomeres and its targeting interventions. Frontiers in Aging, 5.